INTRODUCTION: This is a series of reflective meditations on music & the position of soul. Please take your time & read through stopping to reflect & meditate on each one. Notice what arises in you & how it speaks to you…where does it take you? You may find it helpful to write down your own reflections on certain points, it may open up new doors of thinking for you to explore…how do those new areas of thought feel in your heart? How can you nurture them & take them with you in your own creativity or daily life, for what is a song but a mirror of emotion & life any way.

SOUL RELEASE REFLECTIONS PT1: To know that a song is a true friend that accepts you completely & your ever changing rhythms is a beautiful thing & a home coming.

SOUL RELEASE REFLECTIONS PT2: Where are you within the song? Are you the observer, the character, a guitar, a keyboard, a hihat, the emotion, the totality, how is it speaking to you?

SOUL RELEASE REFLECTIONS PT3: Quite often when someone says a song sounds negative or aggressive what they’re actually saying is ‘I haven’t listened to the lyrics or it’s message’ ….

SOUL RELEASE REFLECTIONS PT4: Many positive messages are to be found in aggressive music from, empowerment, self belief, unity, social political issues, love, but we would never know unless we stop & listen to the lyrics. How a message is delivered is unique to the artist.

SOUL RELEASE REFLECTIONS PT5: Mods vs punks, heavy metal vs nu metal, east coast vs west coast. Etc. History shows how just your taste reveals the position of human nature. Still we progress with the lessons of the past shining a light to a better way.

SOUL RELEASE REFLECTIONS PT6: Some of the best conversations Ive had have been with alcoholics & drug abusers. Some of the best songs of all time are written by alcoholics & drug abusers. Perceptions…

SOUL RELEASE REFLECTIONS PT7: It is said that we are made in the image of our Father. We should never under estimate the offering of another soul.

SOUL RELEASE REFLECTIONS PT8: Your journey is unique, as are your gifts. Grab hold of them, let them speak through you, let them define you. Another soul maybe touched by your God given beauty. Shine your light!

SOUL RELEASE REFLECTIONS PT9: A pissed off song can often be a more positive experience than a so called positive song.

SOUL RELEASE REFLECTIONS PT10: ‘Change the record’ Yes it’s true sometimes too much aggressive or depressive music can have a negative affect on you & can even make you Ill. Balance….

SOUL RELEASE REFLECTIONS PT11: Listening to music resonating with beauty can help to nurture & heal not just your mind & soul but your body to.

SOUL RELEASE REFLECTIONS PT12: A song is a space you can take refuge in, the rhythms of the heart change as we look into the mirrors of life. Pain & love…it’s all valid it’s all beautiful.

SOUL RELEASE REFLECTIONS PT 13: Listening to music from a different religion does not mean you have abandoned yours. You are simply sharing in the love & beauty of another of Gods creations. Growing in understanding helps to bring about peace on earth.

SOUL RELEASE REFLECTIONS PT14: A reflection in the form of a poem. Its called ‘POEM OF A SONG’

All reflections & poems composed by Edgar James 2020.

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