Impossible love meditation

When we think of love many things come to mind…it is endless.

Such also is true is the opposite of love. When we see our self with in these areas of emotions it can be so easy to get lost within out own feelings, thoughts, attitudes, traditions…to even ask ‘What is love?’ may feel like a pointless exercise & often it is!

To quieten our mind & meditate on love with our hands on our heart can be a very nurturing healing practice. But what if we were to meditate on a love that is impossible…then what?

  • Write down the words, ‘Impossible Love’ & place them in front of you.
  • Let go of any preconceived ideas & listen to the music…let it take you to where ever it may…
  • What arises in you, how do you feel?
  • Write down what comes up & reflect on it later.

Taken from the album ‘The Bridge’

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